Transom publishes “An Indie Audio Maker’s Manifesto”

Boston, October 20, 2022—Transom, the leading website showcasing the mission of (and sharing the techniques behind) public-media-style radio and podcasting, today published An Indie Audio Maker’s Manifesto, by Hub & Spoke co-founder and Soonish producer Wade Roush.

Roush submitted the piece at the invitation of Jay Allison, founder of Atlantic Public Media, the nonprofit organization that administers Transom. It lays out the factors making living and working conditions more difficult for independent audio makers today, as well as the strategies Hub & Spoke is developing to remove these barriers and unleash more creative energy in the audio community.

“The essay is a bit of a paean to the institutions and producers who originally invented this vital art form—thoughtful, public-spirited, longform narrative audio—as well as an argument that this form has grown beyond its creators and now belongs to everyone,” Roush says. “But this kind of storytelling takes resources, and if it’s to survive and thrive, it will need sources of support outside of the public media system and the world of big, corporate streaming media. So the piece is also a call to arms to supporters who want to help us preserve it and advance it.”

You can read An Indie Audio Maker’s Manifesto at


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